Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tour d'Louisville

As I mentioned in the previous post, today was the first cyclocross race of the season. Even as of last night I had been waffling about whether or not I wanted to do the race, but I talked to Kate about it and she convinced me that I should do it, and I am glad I took her advice, because the race turned out to be a lot of fun.

It has been almost a year since I last raced, and so much has changed since then.

I was also a little hesitant about this race because last year the course was one of the worst cross courses that I have raced on, but thankfully this year was quite different. That is not to say that the course was easy, as it was all on grass, with lots and lots of off-camber sections, a steep down hill that if you missed the corner meant you would plow straight into a pond, and a steep climb.

I raced in the cat. 4 race (which is the lowest category), and lined up at the start of the race with probably about 50 guys. The front row was almost entirely made up of 13 to 15 year old kids (who would actually go on to win).

The start did not go that well for me because in the first 1oo feet I was caught behind a crash, and that meant that I had to work my way up from the far back of the field. I spent the first two laps playing catch up and then the last 3 trying to keep my position.

I am not sure where I finished in the race, but am not too concerned about that, as it was much more just about having fun than anything else, and that I did.

Sam enjoyed watching his first cross race, and I had some help from my pit crew (though I was lucky and did not need to stop to change my wheels).
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