Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another (Artsy-Fartsy) Beer Post

I promised more of my (in)famous beer photos and here are three, showcasing my fine precision forged Park Tools bottle opener and my fine German-made Stroh's mug. As for the beer, I'll leave the artsy-fartsy stuff for the photos (have you READ some of the beer reviews online? All sorts of talk about Madagascarian Vanilla Overtones and Hints of Saffron Hand-Plucked From Grenadan Crocuses (I'll have you know that ALL saffron is hand-plucked; that's why it's so frickin' expensive)). But it was good. All of the beer. Not great, but good. Kirin Stout's easy to find now. I even saw it in cans at the 7-11. And the Asahi Premium Draft was good, considering that it was the same price as their Super Dry, which is plain. Can you find those two in the States? If you can find Hitachino Nest Beer, it seems like you should be able to find those two. And how about Yebisu? That's still my favorite Japanese beer.

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