Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Ride

Here are a few shots from my ride today, which was a two hour and forty-five minute slog fest through the northeast part of Clark County. I guess saying that makes it sound like I did not enjoy the ride, but really it was nice to just go out and ride for a long time without any real aims (I have felt like I have been focusing too much lately on training, etc). I rode out past Charlestown on State Road 62 and then turned off onto Bull Creek Rd. The first picture is of a harvested corn field there on Bull Creek, just before dives down to the river, which meant a twisty downhill and a long, steep uphill to get back to the upland. I then rode through Hiberia, a small, old farm settlement. The second picture is of a small canyon that is on the roade into Hiberia. After stopping at the little country store there is get something to drink, I continued on my way up to New Market, which is another old settlement that has a few houses till, one church, an abandoned church and general store, and an old school. For some reason, New Market is one of my favorite places in the area. After that I headed back to Charlestown along some of the winding, roll-coaster like roads that we have here in Clark County.

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