Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today couldn't have been a more beautiful day. The perfect temperature for riding, a gentle breeze, and the rice in the fields turning golden. I spent the morning doing laundry--again a chance to enjoy being outside--and set off for a ride around three o'clock. I didn't have a destination in mind, I just followed the roads through the fields. Occasionally I ended up on busy roads and once had to make an emergency stop after being blown about by three passing trucks, but mostly I stuck to the farm roads like in the picture. Once I passed an ancient farmer coming down the road on a tiny tractor. I was slowing to turn and we made eye contact. I smiled and nodded. His face, weather-beaten and as wrinkled as a pickled plum, positively glowed when he smiled. It reminded me of the sunshine in Sam's smile.

I was out for two hours. I rode about 40 kilometers. For me now that's a long ride. I'll be sore tomorrow, especially my neck and my triceps, but there were moments of bliss while I was riding.

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