Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Portland Bikes

These are a few bikes that I saw while in Portland. Lots and lots of single speeds, town bikes, etc. The third picture is from River City Cycles, one of the best bike shops in the US, it is a 1984 Colnago Super, set up in time trial mode. It was a pretty amazing looking bike, with even the tire bags on it to protect the tires. This shop had a bunch of other bikes hanging from the ceiling, like a 1965 Cinelli Supercorsa, and a 1972 Eddy Merckx (built by Colnago), but due to poor lighting and a crappy camera, none of those pictures turned out very well. The last picture is of what I think is a Trek 760 like Dad's bike, but this one has been canabalized into a single speed. I even saw a Match bike. Match was a small, custom frame shop that was located in the Pacific northwest back in the late 1990s. It was one of the leading builders of its day, but sadly is closed down around 2000. Reason I know about them is that they built the steel Paramounts back then, and I had a chance to bid on a Match frame on ebay years ago, but passed it up and have kicked myself for it ever since.

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