Friday, November 7, 2008

Last warm day?

Here are a few pictures from my ride today. It was an amazingly beautiful day here in the Ohio Valley, about 65 degrees and while there was a strong wind blowing, I was able to avoid it for most of the my ride.

Kate is out of town this weekend at a library conference in Nashville, TN, so it is just the dogs and I for a few days. The morning started off kind of poorly as it was raining and looked like it was just going to dull, dreary day, but around noon, the clouds started to disappear and by the time I left on my ride at 2:30, there were almost no clouds in the sky.

My ride took me north of Charlestown on some of the winding old roads that just meander over the small hills with no apparent destination, they all just kind of run into each other at different points (unlike the grid like roads in Michigan). In the end, I just kind of putz along on these roads for about 2 hours before returning home and getting back to work on the house. All in all it was a very nice day.
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