Monday, February 9, 2009


On Saturday, I got out for my first road ride in awhile. I rode with a couple of people from my old team. The day was supposed to be partly sunny and around 60 degrees, but it turned out to be cloudy, and I doubt the temp got above 50. This was one of the first warm days after the snow and ice storm last week, so was lots of road grit and water around, plus in some places even still some ice on the road.

We did a little over 40 miles, all the time trying to stay out of the way of a 15 mph wind coming out of the southwest. We rode from Memphis (about 15 miles north of Utica), and headed up into Washington and Scott counties (neither of which are know for their stellar road maintenance). It was fun to be out on the roads again, but after riding through the third 2 inch deep stream of melting snow running across the road our feet started to get cold. Then, Jerry who was leading the ride took us on several knobs, which only added to the fun (at the end of the ride I told him he had a new nickname, the Marquis de Sade). But we all made it back in one piece, so it went well, but I then had a hour's worth of work cleaning up my bike.
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