Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Ride Report

We haven't had one of those on the blog for awhile. Tuesday I went for a ride after work from Sellersburg, up into the knobs, which I had not done for nearly 2 years. And after climbing Dug Knob, I was reminded of why!
But it was nice to ride on Skyline Drive as it follows the edge of knobs escarpment. My ride really wasn't all that long, only about 14 miles, but boy were my legs tired by the end of it.
After climbing Dug Knob, I went down Fairview Knob, which seems to me to be much steeper than a lot of the other hills around here. In the third picture, after you go around the corner, the hill just seems to drop away. It is so steep that I just about wore out my brake pads going down it.

And the last picture is of sun rise over the Ohio River from last week.

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1 comment:

Lug Bros. said...

that's the right stuff -- the first pic looks like it could be straight out of the tour de france. what makes a mountain in indiana would just be a bump on the butt of the alps, but i bet those hills you're talking about are as steep as anything in the tdf