Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy cherry blossom season to all Lug Brothers and Sisters out there. Apologies for my extended silence; we had guests staying with us -- good friends from the old country -- and so I didn't spend much time at my computer. We spent many hours in conversation over Nest Beer and green tea while we waited for the cherry trees to blossom. They were late this year and so we couldn't have a proper cherry blossom viewing party in the park as we might have done, but if it gives them cause to come back again, well, maybe it's for the best. And if seeing these pictures inspires anyone else out there to pack their bags for Japan we'll be happy to see you but maybe we'll put you up in a hotel -- we were reminded again of just how tiny our apartment is!

And on a completely unrelated note, since there are some Hoosiers in the audience (and four years in Indiana does leave a mark on one, I've noticed) I want to mention that I actually had a chance to watch the Butler - Duke game today. What a heartbreaker! (And how it brought out the eleven year old in me, tears streaming down my cheeks as I watched Duke beat Michigan back when it was Chris Webber & Co.) The things we carry in our hearts!

1 comment:

oldtrek said...

The cherry blossoms bring back wonderful memories of blossoms, huge strawberries, sake and fun.