Thursday, September 20, 2007


These are the after affects of ride last night for the cyclocross practice, well and also the head first plunge I took off my bike in a sand pit. We still have not had rain for weeks, and the course just gets drier and drier. That of course means, more and more dust. My throat still is scratchy from inhaling all the dust I did last night.

It was not a great ride, I was still struggling to keep up with the front of the group more than I would like. And then on the second to last lap, I started to ride through one of the sand pits and my front tire starting tracking through a deep rut. About 2/3rds of the way through the pit, my front wheel jacknifed and I went flying over my handlebars. I landed really hard on my shoulder and banged my head after that. I was not badly injuried, but decided that was enough and packed it in for the night.
My face was clean compared my legs and arms, but I did not get pictures of those. This last picture was of how dirty my bike was. It was so dusty that there was almost no grease left my bike chain.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better head over heels into a sand pit than into a tree, I suppose, but still, not what you want from a ride. But here's an idea, you could dress up like that for this year's library costume party!