Sunday, September 2, 2007

The setting sun

Today was a long day, so we did a short, easy ride at the end of it. I did not sleep well the night before because I was up worrying about the Utica 5k running race that was organizing. But, in the end that went off without any real hitches: 23 people ran in what is probably one of the smallest races around, but that is fine with me, makes it easier on me. Kate walked in the race with her mom and Dylan. Dylan won the under-20 age division (he was the only one), and Kate with third in the 20-30 age class. Sandy did not defend her metal from last year, but won one of the door prizes as consolation. We spent some time at the festival after that. It really is a good example of Utica in a nutshell, a little corny, less than classy, slightly greasy, and yet very endearing in the end cause so many people work hard to put it on (here is my "proletariat" comment for this post).

So, about the ride, we rode our tandem down to the Falls of the Ohio State Park, which really is just a straight shot down from our house. This was the place that the Lewis & Clark Expedition of Discovery left from before heading to St. Louis.
The weather was really nice, around 90 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. The first photo is of the Lewis and Clark statue, an old railroad bridge and some of the Louisville skyline in the back. The second is of looking down over the river at the fossil beds.
We then continued down to the second part of the falls, to where George Rogers Clark built his cabin on land granted to him by the government after the Revolutionary War, actually most of Clark and Floyd counties were among this grant for Clark and his men. Although, once again, no thought was given to the Indians who were already living or using the land.
The third picture is looking down stream from the second area we stopped, and finally a shot of us on our way home in the setting sun. I am already missing the sun being up until 8:30 or 9:00 like in June, the days are getting shorter.
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