Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Return to Form? ...Hardly

I'm a wuss, I know. Don't bother commenting on that. I got on my bike today, on my road bike, for the first time this year and I was off again within half an hour. The winter wind just kicked my ass. In my defense it was actually dangerous for me to be riding, since the wind was blowing me off course and the roads around here are pretty narrow. The sky was beautiful, with big fluffy clouds soaring by against a sea of blue, but it's much better to enjoy a day like today from the warmth of one's own home. (Having said that I'm going out again in a second to get on my Bianchi and go a few kilometers to our favorite hamburger shop...)

Here's a shot from one of the more pleasant moments of my (mis)adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was the wind blowing you off course when you took that picture? the shrine is a little left of center.
