Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter Hike

Kate was out and about all day, so that left the dogs and I to fend for ourselves. I spent a good part of the afternoon working on our addition. The good thing is that the all the trim is now done, and we just need to paint it and hook up the electical heater and we should be set.

Yesterday was another beautiful day, but alot warmer than today, and I just did not feel like bundling up in my cold weather riding cloths today. So, instead I decided to load the dogs up in the car (oh, they hate that) and go over to Charlestown State Park and go for a hike.

Poor Ben did puke just as we pulled into the parking lot, but quickly recovered when they got out of the car and realized that they were some new and exciting. I am not sure if I could really call what we did a hike, as it was mainly me being pulled around by two dogs who just had so many new smells and sights to experience.

The first part of the trail followed a little creek down to 14 Mile Creek. There were several small waterfalls along the way. At the bottom of creek run, the trail then started to meander along the side of 14 Mile, before the final long climb back up to the flat land where the parking lot was.

I have not spent as much time in the state park as I would like too, because there are some really pretty areas there and since it has remained unused for 60 years it still retains a touch of wildness.
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oldtrek said...

This is a fine park and place to bring the dogs. I would like to be there in the spring when the leaves first come forth.

Anonymous said...

I dig the last photo, and the photo of Molly tangled up in the leash. Talk about preoccupied!

I hope I'll have something more to post here can always check for new photos at the gr blog. Taking pictures is something I CAN do in cold weather.