Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More Ramblings

Last week was not the best week for riding, as it seemed that there were several days that I could just not fit in a ride, either because of rain or schedules. But I did end up working out at New Washington (the smallest branch library in my system) on Thursday, and took some back roads to get out there, as the state highway was closed down for repairs.
It rained in the early evening so when I was driving home I saw this rainbow (though it was quite this bright, I cleaned it up a little with one of the software programs we have).

On Sunday I drove up to near Bloomington to do a road race. Annie and Jim came to meet me at the start and stayed for a lap or two of the race. It was nice to see them before they head off to Europe.

As for the race itself, it turned out to be something of a disappointment. It was 45 mile race on a 4.5 mile loop, with two hills on course, one right after the other, and I was able to maintain a top ten position for most of the race, until about the 8th lap, and then I started to get tired. I was able to hang on to the main group (and even move up again near the front) right up until the last time we climbed the first hill. That was when the field attacked and my legs failed me. I had entered the race under no illusions of winning or anything, but had hoped to finish with the field, and there went that. I cannot say for sure, but I think that I did finish dead last. The disappointment came from doing what I felt was a lot of work during the race. I did not start any breakaways, but in the first 7 laps, I probably chased down or helped to chase down the majority of breakaways that people tried to start. Oh, well.

These are just some photos from the short recovery ride I went on yesterday.
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1 comment:

sandy said...

sorry about the race, luke, i admire your dedication. the pictures are great, especially the horse.