Sunday, December 16, 2007

Frozen Toes

Today marked the first day this winter that the daytime temprature was below freezing. So, smart guy that I am I decided to go out for a ride, yet again proving my idiocy. But I have an excuse, as I don't get to ride outside much during the week, and lately it has been so rainy and nasty on the weekends. This Saturday was no exception as it rained and sleeted all day. Parts of Utica were looking like they might start to flood last night.

I was going to do an organized ride, but when I got there no one else had shown up so I just ended up riding by myself. My ride totaled 32 miles and by the end my toes were nearly completely frozen, but it still felt good to be out on the road instead of sitting on my trainer just spinning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd been trying to decide if this year was the year to pick up all the winter riding gear I'd need not to freeze--wind-blocking tights, ear covers, shoe covers, and all that. What I can put together with what I have keeps me warm to a point, but the wind block seems like a must when the temperature drops below a certain point. And then, well, I bought a camera. So no winter gear this year. Expect more photos than bike stories for a while!

(I'll try to get some good shots.)