Monday, December 31, 2007

Ride around town

Just a few shots of my recovery ride around Utica this afternoon. Amazingly it was close to 50 degrees here today and it was just too nice not to get out at least a little bit. The last two days I have done two long cold rides, especially Saturday, when I rode 60 miles with my team. Yesterday I rode back from my in-laws house. After both of these rides, I was so cold that I had to curl up in bed to get warm.

Anyway, today was just a easy ride in the neighborhood (really a quick loop around town and then out to the end of the road and back a couple of times.

The first picture is of one of the old lime kilns that were the main industry in Utica for a long time, but those days ended close to a hundred years ago. The other two are just filler.
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oldtrek said...

Do you need an electric blanket, or more cold weather gear? The skiing here has been nearly perfect. Even though we are tired and sore, we may go again today as the weather will warm up by the weekend.

oldtrek said...

Oh yeah, Happy New Year! We watched fireworks at the Smith Lakins and sang Auld Lang Syne with a bunch of old people.