Monday, December 17, 2007

Stuff besides bikes (yes, I really did write that)

Here are some random pictures from the last couple of days. As it has gotten colder here in the Ohio valley, the dogs have taken to curling up inside and not really wanting to go outside much. They have also discovered the joys of nesting in blankets.

Here is Ben being shy after working really hard to get the blanket to cover him the way he wants after Kate just put the blanket on top of him because he wouldn't get off the couch.

And then, there is Molly who constructed this lovely nest out another blanket to sleep in yesterday after they had been forced to spend the afternoon outside since Kate was baking cookies all day and did not want dogs stealing the cooling cookies off the dining room table.

We have been having some serious rains here in the last week or so, and so the river is up, not close to threatening to flood the town, but still up probably about 10 feet from normal.

Thankfully the last few days have been dry, so it might start to go down a little.
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