Friday, July 4, 2008

I see lots of single speed bikes in Tokyo (I hear they're popular in New York too, and probably in Berlin, Paris, L.A. and other fashion centers of the world, but what would I know about that?) Fashion aside, they're awesome bikes, all lugged steel and deep rims and old-school parts. Check out the seat post in the last photo--I'd love to have one of those for my Buddi, especially in gold!

How long do you think white tires look cool?

I like the new colors for the blog, by the way.

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1 comment:

Lug Bros. said...

White tires last only one ride, sorry to say, then they turn grey, at least until you wash your bike or ride in the rain.

As for that seatpost, I have seen them before. Nitto, the japanese company made them, along with gold handlebars.

Yeah, Dan, I think you should add a singlespeed road frame to your collection.