Saturday, July 26, 2008


Today was hot, very, very hot and humid, after several days of nice cool weather (at least for July), the regular Ohio Valley weather came back with a vengeance, and so of course, I decided to do a long ride today.

My plan originally was to drive to New Albany and ride from there, but what with gas prices being the way they are, I just could not justify that to myself, so leaving Utica, I rode down to the Falls of the Ohio and then on to New Albany. I ran into a teammate in Clarksville and he rode with me to New Albany before he had to turn off to head to work, either that or he just wanted to leave before I got to the hills. There were several long steep hills that I had to go over before I got to my objective for the day - Blunk Knob. Blunk is one of the longer knobs around, around 1.3 miles long, and while not terribly steep, is still a very long, grinding climb. At the top of this hill, I turned left on highway 62 and headed for Farnsley Knob, which I rode down (as I would not try to climb it, it is just too steep). By this time the heat was starting to take its toll on my. Finally, I worked my way back to New Albany and then home. The first picture is not Farnsley Knob, but one of the knobs right next to it, and the second picture is a wall along an alley in New Albany.

At least I made it home in time to see Carlos Sastre ride the time trial of his life to protect the yellow jersey in the Tour, and guarantee himself a win tomorrow.
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